October: Every Leaf a Poem
The guest poems for this week are new English
translations of a set of nine Dutch texts.
The featured poets are, M. Vasalis, Gerrit
Every Leaf a
Idee 34.
Myn Ideeën zyn de
"Times" van myn ziel.
Idea 34.
My ideas are the "Times" of my
Walt Whitman used to say,
"Every leaf a miracle".
Who would argue, especially
with the coming of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and latitudes. But it
is not just
the spectacle of color; there is also something extraordinary about the form
of the leaf
itself. Here I would just remark on the beautiful way that a leaf's structure
of veins
and again, this is especially clear during the autumn monthsreflects
on a much smaller
scale the structure of the tree itself.
Of course, just as how we see leaves depends on what they mean to usa
thing of
great beauty and source of rich loam, or, as is common in the vast suburban
of N. America, a scourge to be cleaned up as quickly as possible much like
foul spots
on a livingroom carpetso too our view or perception of a poem greatly
on what it and poetry as a whole mean to us. Is a poem something hard to
found only in books? Or is it something else, something different? Perhaps
in this context
we might try thinking of a poem as something so brief, so reduced to
essence, that
it could easily write itself on the surface of a single small page or leaf.
So the image
of a group of poems is not then a hardbound volume, but more of the
nature of a
collection of paintings, each of which can be moved around and is to some
independent of the others. Or we might indeed think of a tree composed of
such leaves, and go on to imagine the sound and the sense of the poems
out into the world in mysterious ways, much like a leaf is carried about
by a
seemingly capricious wind: Where it comes to rest, and by whom it is read,
can never know for sure, can we?
The little group of texts I've brought together here in new English translations
be thought of in this way. I find each piece striking in and of itself, having
of some moment to say, and yet each is as soft-spoken as a leaf itself. (The
idea series is offered by way of contrast,
and also to call attention to the poetry-like
qualities of aphorism.) We can either pick it up and take it along with us,
much as a
child might do, or simply listen for a while, and then continue on along
our way:
October Teeder en jong, als werd het voorjaar maar lichter nog, want zonder vruchtbegin, met dunne mist tusschen de gele blaren zet stil het herfstgetijde in. Ik voel alleen, dat ik bemin, zooals een kind, iets jongs, iets ouds, eind of begin? Iets zo vertrouwds en zoo van alle strijd ontheven niet als een einde van het leven, maar als de lente van den dood. De kruinen ijl, de stammen bloot en dit door stilte en mist omgeven. M. Vasalis (1909-1998) |
October Tender and young, as if it were spring but lighter yet, not burdened with new fruit, with thin mist between the yellow leaves, quietly the time of fall begins. I feel alone, that I love like a child, something young, something old, end or beginning? Something so known and so undone of all conflict not as an end of life, but as the spring of death. The rarefied crowns, the naked trunks, and this surrounded by silence and mist. |
Dryade Ik heb de linde heilig doen verklaren, die ik gedurig voor een vrouw aanzie. Ver genoeg weg wordt het verschil nihil: de stam het lichaam, klederen de blaren en goud haar de bloesem bovendien. Liet zich het juiste ogenblik uitsparen van de verandering, dan zou ik zien hoe zij tot stand komt uit haar effigie en dat fotograferen en bewaren. Daarvan een film opnemen, het proces was dan hanteerbaar, ik kon eigenmachtig bedoelde phase zoveel widescreen geven, dat zij spontaan de boom ging overleven, de schijn ontsnapte en zichzelf deelachtig, mij tegemoet liep uit die blinde bres. Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962) uit: Spel van de wilde jacht (1957) |
Dryad I have declared this Linden to be holy, that I continue to see as a woman. Far enough away there's but little difference: The trunk is the body, the clothes leaves, and above all the golden hair is the blossoms. If the right moment might be spared from change, then I could see how she emerged out of her effigy and make a photograph of this to save. A motion picture could be made, the process would be manageable, I could give self-willed the intended phase so much wide screen that she would spontaneously outlive the tree, having escaped appearance and herself partaking, out of the blind breach walking to meet me. |
Idee 39 Tussen ziel en taal ligt de lengte van een trompet. Ik gis -- en geloof byna -- dat weinig trompetten zo kort zyn als de hollandse. Idee 58 Er zyn weinig boeken waaruit men niet leren kan hoe men niet schryven moet. Idee 63 Jezus heeft veel schoons gezegd. Maar 't schone dat hy gezegd heeft, beslaat geen half vel druks. (7 1/2 cent.) Idee 65 Jezus is slecht getekend in den bybel. Wie dat niet voelt, is Jezus' vriend niet. Om Jezus te waarderen moet men den bybel wegwerpen. Idee 68 't Idee dat men daad'lyk begrypt is veelal 't begrypen niet waard. Idee 71 Een veldheer schreef aan z'n luitenant: vermoord al de inwoners, en houd de rest gevangen. De luitenant dacht dat die veldheer gek was, maar hy uitte z'n mening niet, omdat hy de gramschap van den veldheer vreesde. Natuur is alles. Wat er meer is, noemt men metaphysiek, bovennatuurkunde, d.i. buitenissigheid. 't Is nog niet heel lang, dat de luitenants zo'n veldheer een dwaas durven noemen. Multatuli (Eduard Douwes Dekker) (1820-1887) |
Idea 39 Between the soul and language lies the length of a trumpet. I guessI almost believethat few trumpets are as short as that of Dutch. Idea 58 There are but few books from which one cannot learn how not to write. Idea 63 Jesus said many beautiful things. But the beautiful part of what he said takes up less than half a page. (7 1/2 cents.) Idea 65 Jesus is poorly sketched in the Bible. Whoever does not feel this is not Jesus' friend. To appreciate Jesus, one has to throw away the Bible. | | Idea 68 The idea that one actually understands is frequently not worth understanding. Idea 71 The general wrote to his lieutenant: kill all the inhabitants, and hold the rest captive. The lieutenant thought that the general was crazy, but he kept his opinion to himself because he feared the wrath of the general. Nature is everything. All that which is more is called metaphysical, supernatural, that is, freakish. It won't be much longer before the lieutenant can call such a general a bloody fool. |
Cirkelloop Ik ben een vonk die doelloos, richtingloos, Geworpen in 't heelal mijn vaart begon, Toen bond me aldra aan zich een andre zon En wentlend leef ik ongemeten poos, Een kern van leven, in zichzelven voos, Vol van de kracht die in en rond mij spon. O dat ik zonder weten eeuwig kon Wentlen in de onbegrepen stralenroos. Oneindge wereld, onvoltooid heelal En onbegonnen, maar waarin elk deel Beeld van het heel is en een lichtgespeel Langs de eeuwge banen, zeg, zal eenmaal, zal Ooit zijn het eind van uw gestaadgen brand, Gij diamant in 't holle van een hand? Albert Verwey (1865-1936) |
Cycle I am a spark without goal, without direction, Thrown into the universe as my journey began, Before long another sun bound itself to me And turning I lived for an unmeasured while, A kernel of life, empty in itself, Full of the energy that around me spun. O that I could without knowing for centuries Turn within the ungrasped radiating rose. Endless world, incomplete universe And without beginning, but where each part Image is of the whole and a lightshow Along the eternal ways, tell me, shall once, shall Ever there be an end to your steady fire, You, a diamond in the hollow of a hand? (all tr. Cliff Crego) |
Gerrit Achterberg en de De "Gerrit Achterberg-fietsroute" "De beroemde dichter Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962) heeft samen met Cathrien van Baak zeven jaren in de buurtschap Hoonte in de gemeente Neede gewoond. In de schitterende natuur rondom de herenboerderij "Mariahoeve" kwam hij tot rust. In Neede produ- ceerde hij zo'n negentig procent van zijn literaire werk. Op 27 juni 1946 trouwde hij met Cathrien in het gemeentehuis van Neede, met letterkundige Ed. Hoornik en uitgever Bert Bakker als getuigen. In Neede schreef Achterberg onder andere het beroemde gedicht 'Hoonte' (bundel 'Hoonte', 1949)." ...De "Gerrit Achterberg-route" van de VVV voert fietsers en wandelaars langs plaatsen in Neede waar- door Achterberg zich liet inspireren. Op vijf plaatsen zijn van hem gedichten op een plaquette geplaatst: "Dorp", "Hoonte", "Watertoren", "Waterval" en "Groeten uit Neede"." |
* Gerrit Achterberg
and the "Gerrit Achterberg bicycle route" [Dutch webpage] The famous poet Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962) lived with Cathrien van Baak for a period of seven years in the neighborhood of Hoonte in the village of Neede. In the wonderful natural setting around the country estate, "Maria Farmstead", Achterberg found the peace and tranquility he needed to write. It is said that in Neede he produced approximately 90 percent of his literary output. On the 27th of June in 1946 Achterberg married Cathrien in the city hall of Neede, with the writer Ed. Hoornik and publisher Bert Bakker as their witnesses. Among other works, Achterberg wrote his famous collection, "Hoonte" (1949), in Neede. ...The "Gerrit Achterberg Route" of the VVV [the Dutch tourist organization] takes bikers and walkers along places in Neede that were special to Achterberg. At five different places, boards with one of his poems are on display: "Village", "Hoonte" (see above), "Water Tower", "Waterfall" and "Greetings from Neede"." (tr. Cliff Crego) |
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Multatuli Museum
in Amsterdam [A Dutch website with
a nice selection of
texts in English] (ps. E. Douwes
Dekker, 1820-1887)
"Eduard Douwes Dekker was too restless to be a scientist or a real scholar. In
his youth he couldn't stand the "Latijnse school" (a kind of grammer school)
and left after three years. Similarly, he couldn't maintain his job at the office
of a textile trading-firm for longer than three years and at an age of eighteen
years he left for the Dutch Indies (Indonesia). At that time the Indies were a
resort for folk who got stuck in the Dutch society. He had a career as a civil
servant and at first it seemed he had found his destination in life. However,
he had some dispositions that were incompatible with the Civil Service. [...]
"He returned to Europe where he wrote his most famous book, the Max Havelaar.
It is the account of his experiences in the Dutch Indies. The composition of the
book is very intriguing and powerful. And it was liked by the general public for
that reason only, but Multatuli didn't get the support he had hoped to gain from
publishing it.
In many ways he was too much ahead of his time, and in this very conservative
country he was only valued in the small circle of freethinkers. It was only later,
in our century that he is more generally appreciated as one of the greatest Dutch
writers, if not as the greatest." [Not translated by Cliff Crego]
See also: new |
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roads, Slow rivers, Deep clay." |
A collection of contemporary Dutch poetry in English translation, with commentary and photographs by Cliff Crego |
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See also another website by Cliff Crego: The Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke |
A presentation of 80 of the best poems of Rilke in both German and new English translations: biography, links, posters |