3 R'S

3 R'S— Rehydrate, Replenish, Refuel . . . Summer in North America.

Please, someone out there should make an environmental factsheet
on this stuff. According to container-recycling.org about 80,000,000,000
[and counting] cans and plastic bottles are going into the trash and not
being recycled. And according to amanet.org Pepsi sells about
142 of these bottles every second, of which if this graph is correct,
118 are being burned or buried. Maybe the 3 's should be changed
to Recycle, Reuse & Renew!

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through the fountain
cow vetch Hydrangea composite opening, form July
samara duo Graffiti—
generative color

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Photograph by Cliff Crego © 2006 picture-poems.com

(created: VII.23.2005)