Alpine Ensemble, view South above Pop Creek Pass, Eagle Cap Wilderness . . .


The greatest instrument of change is the new idea. It
brings together both for the individual and the collective
our hitherto scattered and confused creative energies
into one unified direction. The new idea does not show
us the details or technicalities of how, but rather the crystal-
clear necessity of why. And that makes all the difference.


The interval between two tones, the shadow cast by a tree,
the flashing sparkles of waves on a stream or leaves on
a tree, all are not static 'things,' but rather movements
of relationship.

Perception is always a question of relationship.


One advantage of eyes that grow weaker with age is that
one sees less and less of all the disturbing details reflected
in the unforgiving mirrors of decline. But then, if we are lucky,
we may also discover that the mind's own inner eye, as we
learn to see more deeply into the nature of seeing and learning
themselves, grows younger, brighter, and ever-more resilient
with this great gift of each new turn of the living Earth,
each new passing day.

Hidden Lake,
Eagle Cap Wilderness,
Oregon, IX.5.2008

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Photograph by Cliff Crego © 2008
(created: X.11.2008)