Koch Snowflake Flowform (generated with XoaS) . . . The Koch Snowflake was discovered in 1906
by Swedish mathematician, Niels von Koch. "It begins with an equilateral triangle; three new equilateral triangles
are constructed on each of its sides using the middle thirds as the bases, which are then removed to
form a six-pointed star. This is continued in an infinite iterative process, so that the resulting
curve has infinite length. The Koch snowflake is noteworthy in that it is continuous but nowhere
differentiable; that is, at no point on the curve does there exist a tangent line."
(Encyclopædia Britannica 2007)
(1) In limit, there is freedom; in freedom, there is limit.
Even the wildest of rivers creates itself the boundaries
of the bed that order its flow.
(2) New meaning necessitates new form.
After drinking from the source of a hundred mountain
streams, even the finest of wine glasses
may no longer suffice.
(3) Form emerges out of movement;
It is the outward envelope of the rhythmic pulse of change.
"The Office,"
Richland, Oregon,
Eagle Cap Wilderness,
Oregon, X.15.2008