
Autumn Waterfall . . . On the road in North America.
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I am a long-time student of water in flowing movement;
it is one of the primary sources of images in my work.

As an example of what I mean, here's a little
metaphysical miniature. (Miniatures are a bit like philosophy in that
they explore the logic of ideas; and they are like music and poetry
in the way the thoughts presented try to find the right images,
rhythm and sound.) To me, this particular miniature seems as clear
and as self-evident as water in a glass, but experience
tells me that it is a bit harder to grasp than it might first seem.

I think this is largely dependent on the kind of problems
we are concerned about. If, for example, we suspect
the current concepts upon which the Western idea
of a 'free economy' is based are somehow confused -- because
of, for example, the contradiction between the notion of
unlimited material growth and the fact of the wholesale
destruction of the natural environment caused, indeed, by
treating it also as unlimited -- then we become
motivated to stop and ponder in a serious and sustained way
-- like, say, we might ponder a little waterfall, or the
photograph of a waterfall -- the idea of freedom.
In limit, there is freedom;
in freedom, there is limit.

Even the wildest of rivers
creates itself the boundaries
of the bed that order its flow.   


fieldwork VII.24.2005
inner forest, sassafras Inner Forest,
jump on season Jump On
oak wire Oak Wire!

(Photographs were made Saturday, the 30th of October 2005)

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Photograph by Cliff Crego © 2005 picture-poems.com
