Page 1 of M for violin solo: frame IV

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| go to m—for solo violin: frame IV: the flight of europa | go to The Star Cycle: new music for solo intruments |

| download Adobe Acrobat PDF of m-for violin solo: frame 1: callisto's lament [REQUIRES Acrobat Reader]

| download Adobe Acrobat PDF of m-for violin solo: frame 4: the flight of europa [REQUIRES Acrobat Reader]

| download Adobe Acrobat PDF of m-for violin solo: complete [REQUIRES Acrobat Reader]
| NEW: DOWNLOAD MP3 of a performance model of M:mp3 (c. 6') [1.3 Mb]
(Note: For best results, print in horizontal or landscape mode at +- 65% reduction. Then
photocopy centered on 11" by 17" (A3) cardstock at +- 145% enlargement. Trim edges.
This is approximately the size of the performance score. Important:
Print one page at a time.)