| first page |
previous page | listen to a computer model
of Have you got a
Brook..., c. 2' 50" (REQUIRES QuickTime)
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of movement IV: Have you got a Brook... (seven 11" x 17" (A3)
pages 145 K) [REQUIRES Acrobat Reader] |
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of movement II: Heart not so heavy as mine (seven 11" x 17"
(A3) pages 145 K) |
| | download Adobe Acrobat
PDF of movement I:
Complaint (five 11" x 17" (A3) pages 91 K) |
| download Adobe Acrobat
PDF of The Shepherd's
Purse: complete ( 11" x 17" (A3) pages)
| back to Circle/Square:
Central Display |
(Note: For best results, print in horizontal or landscape mode at
+- 64% reduction. Then
photocopy centered on 11" by 17" (A3) cardstock at +- 145% enlargement.
Trim edges.
This is approximately the size of the performance score. Important:
Print one page at a time.)
The Circle in the Square © 2002 Cliff Crego
For more information, e-mail to