Archive of Miniatures
Photographs & Texts
by Cliff Crego
An archive (2000-2006)
of weekly feature of
(last update:VII.28.2012)
Of Flowers
and Poems
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (62 K)
Flowers are to the background
green of meadow
and forest what a poem is to the constant chatter of
sounds which surrounds us. How strikingly beautiful
they are, these centers where essences converge.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (42 K) |
Metaphor? A movement of resonance perhaps, a
rhyming not of sounds or words, but ot meaning.
Do you not know this light and quick movement
of energy as two separate thoughts touch wings
and fly off into the distance together?
The Little Clavier
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (88 K) |
Each poem is a miniature makeshift piano;
they're all tuned slightly differently, a bit beat
up, perhaps, with a few misplaced, broken strings,... |
Common Form
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (76 K) |
On the necessity of Common Form
...Ah, when the rocks are constant,
how free we are to marvel at the
many moods and changes
of the:—common, mountain stream.
Thought the
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
Thought the Trickster
...Observe, how easily thought tricks the mind,
and we mistake the poverty of arbitrary order
for the richness of natural, organic, flow.
NEW Squirrel
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
The Crow asked the Squirrel, "Can Computers
think?" And the Squirrel said,—
"Just as airplanes can fly!" |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
Seen from the perspective of the Whole,
war is always but the left hand of humanity
fighting against the right. //
Seen from the perspective of Compassion, ...
Against Sturm
und Drang
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (12 k)
...A truce has been called. Waves write signs
in the white sand. The thrushes have arrived and at
may moment may speak to the clear northern skies. |
The Rose-colored
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 k)
Let me remind myself here: Do not confuse—
density for intensity, randomness for the unexpected,
complicatedness for complexity, ... |
The Waste of
Beauty . . . ?
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 k)
You know you're doing good work when even
the waste paper looks too beautiful to throw away. |
Tree of Wisdom
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 k)
If Religion and Metaphysics are to mean anything,
they should help us age not merely as an ever-larger
and more burdensome collection of broken parts, but
rather with the slowly increasing wisdom of a tree
which holds the complexity of the centuries
within ever-clearer, simpler and more beautiful
Balance in Flow-
ing Movement
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (72 k)
Art is balance in flowing movement demonstrated.
At the same time, Art is about balance in the
metaphysical sense— ... |
Granite Sky
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (96 K)
The pass is clearly
in view,
but the way—
how impossibly confused.
On the Way
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (54 k)
On the way, what was once a gift of Chance
sometimes becomes Necessity's next step
into the unknown. |
The Shut Door
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
Questions open the door
to the unknown; tests shut it.
Fence of Learning
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K)
Tests only demonstrate the failure
of the one who tests. |
Special Delivery
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
Every day, when I go out
to get the mail,
I feel a secret desire
to find a letter which will
change my life. //
It's time I wrote that letter
myself. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (84 K)
In Art as well as Nature, there is a necessary complemen-
tarity between the conservative tradition which embodies
and safeguards the knowledge of the past and the
revolutionary insight which reveals the new.
Little Blue
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (75 K)
Of Bullets and Butterflies
The thought of some thinkers moves like
a bullet, with the crisp crack
of logic's trajectory, a high-powered line
cutting straight through the clear air;...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (65 K)
Talent? Everyone appreciates the wildflower's
showy brilliance, but few care to follow the slow,
steady ripening of the seed. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K)
Aphorisms? The place where Logic follows
the markings on Poetry 's flower to meet
in the embrace of new meaning.
The Mulberry
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (42 K)
Concert Halls? The place where
old bodies are burned; Museums? Where
they store the ash. Somebody tell me, on
what side of the fence lies Paradise?
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K)
Bringing the Circle into
the House of the Square:
Master the complex to teach the simple;
Teach the simple to understand the complex.
(1) and (2)
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4) )
Also available as .pdf
download (48 K) |
: the point at which the alpine forest gradually
gives way to snow and cold, a tree grows about
as fast as water wears down a rock, and a year's
growth is measured by the width of a whisper. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (84 K)
Summer mountain, magic meadow,
the mysterious weave of flowers
and grasses, and weeds—
the hard question of what is native
to this place, and what is not...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (114 K)
Perhaps leaves fall simply to carry away all
that we thought we needed to say. And perhaps
trees purify themselves each year, knowing that
there is no thought so large that it cannot be
written on the smooth, plain surface of but
a single leaf.
New Music,
New Poetry
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (102 K) |
In both music and poetry, what is important is not
so much what we think of as style or aesthetics, but
rather the quality of energy which manifests in a piece
as we bring it to life in performance.... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (116 K) |
What we think of as tonality in music is perhaps
nothing more than a confused concept about how
sounds are centered in space... |
On Paths
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (62 K) |
Every well-made path was once
only a possibility. Because it
is well-made, daily use only makes
it more beautiful. |
On the Wayside
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
What's a weed but the unwanted noise
of another man's music... |
Making the Image
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (94 K) |
...Tragically, children who are for whatever reason denied
this primary relationship with things natural can only with
great difficulty re-create pictures or sounds in this way. Theirs
has become in part a 2nd-hand world of ghost images projected
on the proverbial walls of a high-tech cave. |
Freedom Spring
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (66 K) |
The spring gives freely
of its water,
but only in freedom
can we drink.
Three Miniatures—
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (96 K) |
In limit, there is freedom; in freedom, there is limit.
Even the wildest of rivers creates itself the boundaries
of the bed that order its flow.
Watercourse Way
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (50 K) |
Balance in Art follows the natural movements of water
and weather. Fast mountain streams give way to the slow
curves of lowland rivers and the broad expanse of the sea;
Dark cold rains are followed by bright skies and the warming
sun. Balance is never either / or, but rather the course
which runs in between. ... |
River Run
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (72 K) |
Form emerges out of movement; it is the outward
envelope of the rhythmic pulse of life. The river
creates itself the boundaries of the bed that order
and give structure to its flow.
1000 Diamond
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (62 K) |
Love is like living water:—where it
is there in abundance, life flourishes.
NEW House of
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (62 K) |
Has the eternally feminine deserted
the house of poetry/ ... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (81 K) |
We shape the world and the world shapes us.
The most insidious of all degradations
is the loss of something vitally important
for which we do not yet have a name. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (63 K) |
Change is the second most difficult thing,
understanding, the first. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (54 K) |
The most insidious of all degradations is the loss
of something vitally important for which we do not
yet have a name.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (101 K) |
Retronyms? With every step we take away from the wisdom
of Nature's way, the more difficult it becomes to clearly see what
we have lost or left behind. Acoustic guitar, organic tomato, and—
as a possible future, n a t u r a l human being... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 K) |
The simplest and most powerful of all possible tests
is the test of doing without.
Deficit Wasting?
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
Deficits? All agree that spending more than we earn
is bad. Why then allow wasting more than we clean up?
Who shall deal with the debt of alien artifacts we leave
behind? |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
Zero pollution;100% recycling; Zero war.
Begin with the work of cleaning up the thought
which says it's not necessary;
then the one which says it's not possible. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (96 K) |
50 years ago, trout and
salmon still swam the entire
length of the Rhine, from
North Sea to the Alps;
The last were seen in 1958.
30,000,000 people depend on
this same water ... |
Flat-tire Model
of Reality
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
20 miles out, 20 miles back.
Got a flat; That's a fact.
Hard as nails, Life's like that.
Gotta act—now; That's a fact!
20 miles out, 20 miles back.
Got a flat; That's a fact.
Excuses, excuses—
Why can't I live like that? |
Of Tunnel
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Even if its waste emissions were reduced to zero
today, the automobile would remain one of the most
insidiously destructive inventions of all time.
Destructive, because it breaks apart our ...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (56 K) |
More with Less (Or Best Offer)
Control is the way of less and less harmony
with more and more effort;
Limit is way of of more—more harmony, more order,
and more creativity, with less and less effort. ...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
: when a machine is given
the attributes of life,
:or worse—when a living being
is given the attributes of a machine.
Squirrel, relaxing
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
Humans are the only beings in Nature who are
constantly preoccupied with what they are not. |
Love on Ice
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
The Chainsaw said to the Jackhammer, "Who's
making all the noise around here? The Electric Bass
or the Drummer? //
Tolerance for noise? They say, a frog in a pot
of water, if up turn up the juice very gradually,
will let itself be boiled. |
4 Easy Steps
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (77 K) |
4 Easy Steps
Four easy steps to a radically new popular music:
(1) Don't play 4/4; (2) Don't say 'love'; (3) Don't
say 'baby'; (4) Pull out the plug.
Sharp Ideas!
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Keep your knives sharp! Laboring with a dull knife's
edge is like having to think hard with bad ideas.
The 3 Chaoses
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (84 K) |
The Three Chaoses
: Generative chaos is the rich polyphony
of simultaneous orders of movement,
characteristic of especially both living
sound and water; ...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (84 K) |
Information is like the web of links in a wire fence;
Meaning is like the cascade of waves on a mountain stream.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 K) |
When writing new
compositions, one
upon the other, //
one prays that
they might
with time / get better. |
The Mossy Spring
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (57 K) |
is the surface
of the ocean;
is its depth. |
The New Tenebrism
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
In Poetry and Photography, the title or frame
creates a background shadow of knowledge
of things implied, but left unsaid or unseen; //
Out of this background emerge dramatically
contrasted centers of light and focus. |
Sedge seeds on ice
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
Whether or not the seeds of new meaning set root and flourish
depends not so much on any form of promotion or publicity, but
rather on their strength of resonance with our spiritual need
for clarity and truth.
Computers Up
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (72 K) |
A two-part meditation on both the bright and
the dark sides of computers and computer networks
—to transcend arbitrary borders or limitations of any kind,
thereby bringing people and meaning together in new,
unexpected and creative ways;
Computers Down
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (84 K) |
—to create vast invisible networks for evermore centralized
runaway economies, which are thereby protected from the
destructive human and environmental consequences of their
own internal contradictions; ... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (70 K) |
Money is a movement
which always
seems to be going
in the wrong direction. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (56 K) |
A mistake is a mistake repeated.
Even the best of players can make a habit
of practicing—sometimes for years—
the wrong moves. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Symbols refer to meaning
like currency to value:—
only in a highly abstract
and intellectual way. //
The danger with such abstraction
is that it is want to wander off
on its own, losing its basis in actual fact.
Music / Poetry
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (12 K) |
The only thing that's worse
than the fragmentation
of music and poetry is when we
—in fragmentation—
try to unite them. |
The Sprinkler
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (78 K) |
On the difference between metaphorical and literal mind
For the metaphorical mind, what others perceive
as isolated facts are but unrealised opportunities in
the dance of relationship.
For the literal mind, the dance has stopped; with
a laser-like beam, it concentrates on the outward
features of things:—shards, numbers, fragments of flux. ... |
Wayside Fractals
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 K) |
On the difference between limit and control
Control imposes order from without by projecting the predetermined
thought, conditioned by the past, of what should happen. The need to
control invariably increases as the disorderly, unexpected, side-effects of past
efforts accumulate, which results in ever-greater unnecessary difficulties
or complicatedness; ... |
The Road Ahead
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (79 k) |
All passengers in a car running on a full tank
of fundamentalist religion, we're tied up with
freedom and democracy in back. Money's
in the driver's seat, with nation states spinning
with a vengeance, one against the other, for
wheels. Hey, somebody just yelled, "Get out
at the next right!" |
Economy of Art
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
The economy of Art? You know that your composition has
achieved a certain integrity not just when there is nothing left
to take away, but also when changing but a single part means
that you must of necessity go back and retune the whole. |
New Possibilites
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
There are inventions which impose structure on the mind,
forcing us to think as we might walk with one foot tied behind
the back, in unnatural ways; And there are inventions which are
already implicit in the workings of the mind at its best, letting
us create with all the ease of freely flowing water. The humble
hyperlink, .... |
Cotton Grass
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (75 k) |
The cheap slogans of politics and commerce are like aggressive alien
weeds, overrunning the common ground of language with a kind of
false—or irre-poetry; |
The Flower Cluster
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (59 k) |
Nothing fades faster than an Art that has descended to the level
of being no more than its own commercial.
See the flower cluster that advertises itself with showy, yet
infertile blooms along its periphery. No need to remind it
that real nectar must be offered at its center to attract for long |
Big Blue
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (76 K) |
Misconceptions self-perpetuate
because, when I'm wrong, what is
right will seem wrong to me; //
Corruption self-perpetuates
because I become dependent
on its perks and privileges. ...
Solo Voce
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
The question of which musical body we consider central
or primary—that of the large orchestra or individual soloist—
is related to the similar question in literature of which form
is seen as most important, the full-length novel or the short
poem... |
New Music
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (66 K) |
When I play true, even though I may make mistakes, all the many
voices move as one, and even the softest of sounds can be heard;
When I play false, though I do not drop a note, the different voices
begin to contradict and fight against each other, until even the
loudest of sounds can be heard by no one. |
Simplicity Spring
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Where the climax of complexity comes we can never know for sure,
but natural movement always begins and ends with simplicity.
Draw a circle which is not surrounded by emptiness;
Speak a word which does not emerge from and
return to -- nothing at all. |
The Bell
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
The point at the center of a cross,
where wet and cold meets warm and dry,
and flowing waters and cultures divide. //
North side and South side,
how could I ever choose? Swaying
back and forth, I am the bell
that rings out on all sides.
Oak Leaves
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40 K) |
Oak leaves: white, black,
red to scarlet and bur—
smooth lobes
to prickly bristles
and back, bringing out
the myriad accents
and turns of a phrase. |
Border Crossing
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (56 K) |
Border Crossing
Not a word penetrated
the thick glass boundary.
Changing money,
all I had to do was --
show the bills. |
For a Friend
and a Crow
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
Mid-morning, sitting in new
snow with an old friend; //
an eagle flies by with a crow
on its tail.
Above, below -- always with two
begins the movement of our world. |
Natural Limit
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
A sound, natural limit
in any system
is when there is no conflict
or contradiction
between what does
and what does not—
happen. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40 K) |
The fewer keys I own,
the freer I am.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68K) |
When we are young and naturally wish to wander the ways
of the world, it's good to think ahead, not just about what's
further down the road, but to find a harmony—a fit, between
the center of one's being, and the center—the place—one
comes to call home. |
Limit Falls
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
Powerful expression in the Arts is channeled by
invisible, yet equally powerful, natural limits.
The mystery of limit is that we never see it, and
yet it guides every step of Creativity's dance....
Without Movement
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
A world without light or
without sound is thinkable,
but not a world
Way of Violence
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (74 K) |
Violence is like a pool of poison water threatening
the river of life. Gazing out over the whole, one sees
that answering violence with violence never stops
the corruption of the water, but rather becomes
a part of the pollution itself; ...
One Path
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
On Sayings in Prose and other Metaphysical Miniatures
The problem is to bring thought into its proper relationship
with the natural world by surrounding it with an abundance
of space and quietude.—the song of the woodthrush is
always followed by silence. Who is to say which is more
important, the song or the quiet interval before and afte? ...
12 Concepts
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40 K) |
Understanding the Shape of Change:
12 primary concepts in the description and
generation of movement in music, poetry
and dance |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (33 0k) |
Once there is difference, there is complementarity.
Once there is complementarity, there is movement.
Art happens in the balance thereby created. |
the Future
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (142 k) |
Safeguard a rich diversity and complexity of content
by demanding an openness and simplicity of structure
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 0k) |
Complicatedness, or unnecessary difficulty,
is frequently the result of outmoded,
inappropriate ways of thinking.. ...
A Die Falls
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (128 K) |
A Die Falls:
A fractal symmetry poem about Chance
and Necessity |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
...these dark spaces behind the
brilliance of Mozart's / smile, an un-
known place where the birds go in winter,
flying through endless skies, //
sure wings, silent breath. |
Cornice flowforms
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
With enough time, simplicity always unfolds—without limit—
into natural complexity. Sustain a single vowel sound for the duration
of an entire breath, and you will become aware of the rich weave of its
overtones; Walk the smooth white surfaces of high mountain spring snow,
and you will discover an infinity of living textures beyond all compare. |
Learning Spring
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
We come into proper relationship with the
infinite complexity of the natural world around
us only when we can describe its richness in words
so simple that even a child can understand. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (67 K) |
Sometimes a poem wanders about the world
in search of its proper place and hour; To learn it
lovingly by heart is to walk with it; To offer
it freely to another is perhaps to bring it home. |
NEW Line
and Curve
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (70 K) |
Where curve embraces straight line, there,
the balance of complementarity begins.
Break the flow, and a culture becomes
onesided, some might say—
dangerously so. |
Love and Place
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
In the present era, we abandon each other at the
drop of a hat because, both individually and collectively,
we deserted long ago the very earth upon which we stand.
Without a soil made rich by generations of care, even the
most heartfelt feelings can find no place to root and
call home. |
Mirrors Made
of Sound
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (45k) |
Mirrors made of sound? When strings at rest reflect
in sympathetic resonance the movements of other sounds
we hear the beginnings of Love and Compassion in the
physical world. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (36 K) |
CHECK ONE: (1) Right; (2) Left;
(3) No viable alternative
Vote YES for NO!
in politica
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
}Also available as .pdf
download (48 K) |
In Politics, Religion is the Devil! And Money?—
the fuel that fires the horrors of Hell. |
Crows of Truth
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
}Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Gone is the era of an honest man riding a horse
to congress. Enter the era of politicians with makeup
and a staff of burger-with-fries linguists to compose
their historic addresses. ....
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (91 K) |
In Politics, the most radical idea is simplicity;
In Art, the most difficult idea is simplicity;
In Science, the most necessary idea is simplicity;
In Religion, the most mysterious, arduous,
complex idea, is simplicity.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (95 K) |
The simplest and most powerful of all
possible tests is the test of doing without. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (50 K) |
The simplest and most powerful of all possible
freedoms is the freedom to stop doing, regardless
of the short-term difficulties thus encountered,
that which is inherently contradictory or wrong. |
No Edge Lines!
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (52 K) |
No Edge Lines and the Runaway Economy
A free economy is a strictly limited one. Even the
busiest of thoroughfares still retains a thin white line,
protecting the rights of those of us who prefer to:—
walk. |
Rhythm of
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (49 K) |
Any technological change is most likely as
questionable as it is disruptive if it happens
faster than the disturbed vacant lot next door
can heal itself. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (54 k) |
A weed is a species of movement which feeds
on chaos and roots in imbalance. |
The Three Steps
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (76 k) |
How complicated are the ways we wander
when Truth is lost;
How arbitrary the deeds, needless
the wars, how without meaning—
the waste. |
Three Tires
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (76 k) |
Reading the Bible or the Gita or Koran
only gives you the idea of religion;
recycling old tires back into fertile
earth gives you the actual fact. //
Image:—the old, outmoded beliefs of
the past make way for the spiritual
imperatives of the new. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (30 k) |
Chance proposes; Intelligence disposes.
No one can predict which flower
the butterfly will pass by next. |
The Water Fountain
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 k) |
On the difference between living Intelligence
and mechanical Intellect
The movements of intelligence in Nature resonate
together like the circular waves of water droplets
merging on the surface of quiet water. ...
Sunflower Poem
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (30 k) |
Nature knows no conflict, no contradiction, no waste.
The religious or spiritual life begins therefore not
with any dogma or belief, but rather with the deeply
held intention to live a life without conflict, contradiction,
or waste. |
Religion; Art
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (42 K) |
The essence of Science is not so much proof, but
rather the willingness to drop a theory or a particular
way of looking at the world if it appears to be
contradicted by fact; ... |
Sow Thistle
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40k) |
Imagine Nature reduced to place filled with straight, dry,
brittle stems covered from root to crown with thorns. That
is what we ourselves become when we lose the complemen-
tarity of masculine and feminine principles. |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 K) |
Without a shared sense of natural limit with regard
to the genders, there is a great danger that mere competition
between the sexes may take the place of the complemen-
tarity of masculine and feminine principles.... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (74 K) |
On the Illusion of Seeking Security in Isolation
Stealth? Secrecy? Security? For every weapon,
there is a counter-weapon; for every defense, a
counter-measure;... |
Square of False
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 K) |
Inside the Square, discussion is neat and orderly.
One could say, clean almost. That is because Truth
and a whole angry horde of assumption-threatening
details are kept at bay, far beyond the walls
of the Square. ...
War Games
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40 K) |
Every general will tell you very convincingly that he
needs more of something: more men, more guns, more,
more accurate missiles. He never tells you what he needs
most, however, which is more war.
Wall Flag
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (102 K) |
Resurrection of the 'Ugly American'
: utterly incapable of seeing the world from another's
point of view, whether the other be a foreigner, a woman,
a person of color, or simply a fellow member of Earth's
creatura (a tree, a river, a mountain);... |
Path of Peace
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
love of Earth,
can there ever be security?;
Defense?, without needing little
and wasting less,
can there ever be defense?;
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
...Dare to be simple. Walk the land. Tie your fiddle to your back.
Learn to play the song of each and every bird. ...x |
On Poetry
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (65 K) |
If you want to be a poet, call yourself a farmer;
If you want to be a farmer, call yourself a religious
man or woman; If you want to be a person of religion,
call yourself a teacher. The first student is always
Mountain Path
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (62 K) |
Mountain Path
As two learn to walk together as one,
one of their most prinmal of fears
is that they might somehow, by some
accident, be separated, perhaps irreversibly.
That is why Love seeks to protect every
step Freedom makes.
That Sound!—
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (102 K) |
Art? Beauty? Perhaps, that which is fitting in
every way, in all directions at once.
Music? On the way to your next performance, if you
wish to know what—beyond the walls of the concert hall—
the Earth suffers every day because of our indifference,
let your route follow the side of a busy, noisy road...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (76 K) |
Life-like mechanical simulations of outward patterns
of movement do not mean that we have necessarily
understood or discovered the inner workings of
the generation of organic form. ...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 K) |
Listening is never 2nd-hand. Creative tradition never repeats.
The works of the past can only be discovered afresh by ears
made strong by the challenge, and attuned to the wonder, of
the new and unknown.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (54 K) |
There are those artisits who transform the string
of precious stones which is melody into mere black
marks on a page;
And there are those who transform the black marks
on a page into the string of precious stones.
—Music is the difference.
Grain of Space
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (59 K) |
Time folds into Space like a thread wound into a skein;
Ah --the one at of time folds into and becomes the all at once,
and all differences become co-present. Listen to the separate notes
of a Melody wind round themselves to become Harmony as a piano's
sustaining pedal is depressed. That's the sound of Time
becoming a quality of Space!
The Water Glass
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (63 k) |
In the Arts, we may easily be misled by a work's surface
appearance, and therefore only belatedly awaken to its
deeper metaphysical or spiritual source. It's like the water
of any large city: at first it may seem perfectly clear, re-
freshing. But after a while we may come to sense the
drop of poison added to keep us from getting sick.
Water Drops
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (63 k) |
We shape the world and the world shapes us. The more spiritual
and in harmony with the natural world a culture becomes,
the fewer and fewer words will be needed to say ever-more
important things.
First Light!
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
Do you need a Priest to stand between you and
the voice of gods?:—Go to the mountains and find out.
Do you need a Banker to stand between you and
infinite wealth?:—Go to the mountains and find out.
Do you need a Politician to stand between you and
your freedom?:—Go, go to the mountains and find out.
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (80 k) |
(2) Complicatedness is difficulty which serves no purpose and
is therefore without reason or meaning; it is difficulty which is
unnecessary. Remarkably, in this sense, complicatedness
in Nature does not exist.
Two Paths
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (56 K) |
Two paths:—one returns,
one does not. And I
still don't know, which one
—leads home. |
No Frame, No
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (119 K) |
In Science, we may put frames potentially in the wrong
place, and therefore ask the wrong questions; In Art, we
may create potentially inappropriate or 'false' frames, that is,
ones which tacitly tell us that there is something important
inside while in actuality this is not the case...
Poetry of Images
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
The poetry of images
evokes the text
without the words; ...
Listening . . .
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (72 K) |
Reading—hours at a time narrows the mind to the stuffy confines
of a room without windows; Listening—in contrast, whether in or
out-of-doors, is freer, more alive; Listening allows the eyes to
roam freely about, no longer straining in a small, constricted field.
Listening allows for great space. And a polyphony of simultaneous,
complementary movements. ...
3 Guiding Lights
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
Determination, Diligence, Devotion—three guiding
lights in the constellation of the Arts. ...
No Waste
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (78 K) |
Nature knows no conflict, no contradiction,
no waste. It is possible to say, therefore, that
the religious life begins not with any dogma
or belief, but rather with the deeply held intention
to live a life without conflict, contradiction,
or waste.
Art of Miniature
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (68 K) |
... Poetry, when we come to see its essence as the energy of insight
revealed in the imagery of the singing and speaking voice, stands
at the very center of this endeavor like a mountain which is both
supremely physical in its presence, but also spiritual, ...
NEW Simple Desires
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
I want to live my life like a bell, not large,
but small, resonant, whole—a bell
that rings out into the open air
from all it sides; //
I want live like a frog, hungry for love,
singing the moment it digs out of the ... |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
such a shy performer,
at first hiding behind the no's "n",
you step out onto the clear, open page;
inside your tight boundaries lies amazing space, |
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (64 K) |
Noise makes both body and mind tense;
When tension is constant, it can make us violent . . .
(Coda) The
Room of Mind
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (34 K) |
. . . Before I
know it, forgetting that poems
are something like paths we make in walking,
I'll mistake again the dark
little closet where I've hidden
all the unpaid bills of the past
for the door which leads
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (65 K) |
Dialogue is like a journey made together on foot
through unknown terrain. Where we do not move as
one, we simply stop and start over again. ...
shown at the left
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (88 K)
In every picture, there's a poem;
In every poem, a picture.
* Print on 8 1/2 x 11 (A4) cardstock or glossy inkjet photo paper. To enlarge,
photocopy on 11 x 17" (A3) heavy
Special Edition: Eight of the most popular
P/P miniatures
in one Portable Document File (you can save or send
as e-mail attachment)
Copyright texts and images © 1999 - 2011 picture-poems.com Comments to crego@picture-poems.com